New York Institute of Art and Design Launches Newly Updated Online Interior Design Course

The New York Institute of Art and Design has released a brand new, updated version of its most popular course – the Complete Course in Interior Design.

The newest version of this online interior design course includes revised editorial content from leading professional interior designers along with over 13 hours of dynamic video and hundreds of still photographs that have been added throughout the course.

“This update gives interior design students all over the world access to the most up-to-date interior design training available,” said Janet Ramin, an NYIAD Interior Design mentor.

The Complete Course in Interior Design is also certified by the Designer Society of America, which invites graduates to qualify for their Residential Interior Design Qualification Certification (RIDQC).

NYIAD students already enrolled in the Interior Design Course will be able to transfer over to the new version of the course by contacting the school directly. All new students will be enrolled directly into this enhanced version. All students will complete a series of design projects throughout the course that will be reviewed and evaluated by their teacher, a professional interior designer, who is there to offer guidance and help the student prepare for success as a professional interior designer.

To learn more about NYIAD’s Complete Course in Interior Design, or to get started in the field, visit


The New York Institute of Art and Design was founded in 1985. NYIAD is a leading provider of online education for creative professionals all over the world. The school currently offers five great courses in Interior Design, Wedding Planning, Event Planning, Jewelry Design, and Feng Shui Interior Design. Through a unique combination of personal mentoring and online education, NYIAD students learn everything they need to master a skill and turn it into a career. The New York Institute of Art and Design is owned and operated by Career Step, LLC, along with sister school, New York Institute of Photography.