The New York Institute of Art and Design offers online AutoCAD classes and because we do, we like to provide free tips for aspiring planners. Enjoy!

When working in AutoCAD, you’ll occasionally find yourself needing to rotate an object in order to match the angle of another existing object in your drawing. When this happens, here’s what you can do to accomplish that adjustment:
- Start the ROTATE command and select the object (or objects) that you are trying to revolve.
- When you are subsequently prompted with ‘specify base point,’ identify the base point of the object of which you want the angle to match, not the base point of the object you want to adjust.
- When you are then prompted with ‘specify rotation angle,’ chose the option that says reference.
- From there, you should pick the point on the object that you want to rotate that matches to the base point you listed in step 2.
- When you are then prompted with ‘specify second point,’ you should pick the second point that, accompanied by the point listed in step 4, specifies the angle of the object that you want to rotate.
- Finally, when prompted with ‘specify the new angle,’ you should select the point on the reference object that specifies the angle of the reference object.
Want to learn more? The New York Institute of Art and Design’s AutoCAD course can help you reach your goals. Request your free course catalog today!