The New York Institute of Art and Design offers an online jewelry design course and because we do, we like to provide free tips for aspiring designers. Enjoy!

As aspiring jewelry designers, deciding whether to purchase findings premade or create them yourself is a decision you’ll have to make when establishing your workflow routine. In an effort to save time and establish a personal style in developing your collection, we tend to suggest an attempt at making your own. Getting started, we’d like you to consider a few possible reasons why you might want to consider this:
- If you frequently make lots of earrings, it’s more financially practical to purchase hooks and studs in bulk. However, if you don’t make very many, clients might be more excited about pieces that were carefully handmade from start to finish in every detail.
- Often times when designers see an intriguing design in a book or magazine and want to recreate a similar look, they struggle to find premade findings in stores similar enough to correspond with the intended look.
- Many jewelry makers who also create their own unique findings are able to start a profitable side business, simply selling said findings to other jewelry makers and hobbyists in their area who seek the quality of handcrafted supplies.
Want to learn more? The New York Institute of Art and Design offers an online jewelry design course that can teach you how to create and sell your own unique line of jewelry. Request your free course catalog today!