The New York Institute of Art and Design offers online interior design classes and because we do, we like to provide free tips for aspiring designers. Enjoy!

When exploring the provided space of a potential client, it can be easy to feel intimidated when presented with a large, windowless wall. But don’t panic- this spatial opportunity really offers you an excitingly blank canvas on which you can experiment with creativity in an effort to showcase a client’s personality and style. Getting started, here are some unique options to consider next time you’re faced with an intimidatingly large blank wall:
1. Don’t get frantic to fill it up- Remember, when it comes to effective interior design, space is good- that’s why we often try to manipulatively create it when we aren’t fortunate to start out with any. Overwhelmingly blank spaces understandably give interiors a larger, more sweeping feel. Keeping this in mind, don’t feel the need to counteract this natural advantage by over accessorizing. Instead, try to incorporate a subtle element of decoration while still maintaining the area’s openness. For example, you could try featuring a wallpapered accent wall, keeping the other walls clean and simple in juxtaposition to the funky, emphasized larger.
2. Think storage and style- Is there something interesting about your client worth expressing via their home décor? Consider repurposing the oversized wall as a full-length shelving unit on which said personality demonstration can be made. Is your client a cooking fanatic? Use this as a space to display his or her elaborate cookbook collection adjacent to some uniquely framed food prints.
3. Keep it simple- Again, it’s important that you don’t entertain the urge to cover a large space with an overwhelming number of accessories in an effort to fill it up. A large, oversized photograph or tasteful vintage tapestry hung in the center of the space will reflect just as much, if not more, visual appeal than a scattered collection of tchotchkes would.
Want to learn more? The New York Institute of Art and Design’s interior design course can help you reach your goals. Request your free course catalog today!